Preparing to move to the cloud is an important business decision for any business, and having a web presence is incredibly valuable for various business applications. Since there is so much more to business technology than a company website these days (CRM, Email Servers, etc.), it is important to be as efficient as one can possibly with the resources the organization either already has or plans to acquire. This is where utilize private cloud comes in.
Because there are so many different applications that businesses need to utilize in order to be both effective and competitive in today’s market, it is easy to think that you require an entire rack of server infrastructure – and depending on your organization, you might! However, many companies can work more effectively by utilizing virtualization software such as that provided by VMWare and Citrix to split up a single machine to handle the load of several. So instead of having 5 servers dedicated to different components of the company’s web presences, you can instead split up a single server to effectively act as 5. This enables your company to be more cost effective, and virtualization should be considered whenever a company looks at either procuring more hardware to place at a colocation facility or when looking at utilizing dedicated servers to create a private cloud.
Of course, you can take an alternative approach to private clouds, and rather than using the cloud to maximum capacity, you can utilize the cloud with the ability to flex and handle any demand that the organization might foresee. This would give a private cloud similar elasticity and ability to handle anything the internet can through at that is typically seen in public clouds such as vnCloud. In this case, you might be using your hardware at 30% in standard operation. This gives you the ability to handle 3 times the traffic in a spike during the holidays, or the ability to launch applications that might not be needed year round. By using Vault Networks dedicated servers for your private cloud, you can request additional hardware to be installed in times of need, such as additional RAM or hard drives, so that you continue to only pay for the resources that you require.
A benefit unique to utilizing a private cloud by utilizing our dedicated servers instead of your own infrastructure is the fact that you will no longer need to pay for maintenance or upgrade costs. You are simply renting the hardware from us, and any maintenance that needs to be performed is handled by our IT staff, freeing you up to focus on your customers and your business instead of installing new components on your server, or spending time refreshing existing hardware. Even if you attempt to repurpose existing hardware to new roles, that still takes time to maintain that you won’t have to worry about with a dedicated server.
Finally, there is the matter of security that a private cloud can provide, which is vital to our offering for both colocation and dedicated servers. Since only your company’s authorized users will have access to the server, you control who can access the machine and when. In addition we offer multiple firewall options in order to provide maximum protection for our customers who need an additional layer of security. The physical hardware is located in our data center that is protected by 24×7 security staff and has multiple layers of physical security of protection in addition to the security team.
To learn more about how your company can take advantage of a private cloud, whether it is built with your infrastructure in our data center or using our dedicated servers, please reach out to us at (305) 735-8098 option 2 or by emailing